I’ve heard for years that Corporations naturally want to innovate to make their products easier and better from the fiscal mass deregulation 0 taxes lolberts. They see the corporations moving to the third world or some other shit that was possible from free trade and accept it as normal innovation. When it comes to AI though they get mad and demand the gubernment ban AI from stealing jobs from Americans because America should be a land where brown people are paid 80 hours to just stand around than having it replaced by a AI chatbot.

We saw this when they countersignal the introduction to front door guards being replaced by AI. Now the drive throughs are no longer going to have Hispanic women who talk in English as their 3rd language and be replaced by an AI voice.

I mean with current status that is the wagie work force in 2024 this is a massive improvement to any human operating the drive through nowadays.

Somehow this free market response to companies who respond to brown wagies demanding more money to do nothing somehow offended the fiscal conservatives who would defend free trade taking jobs away. They want this gone before AI bots replace all these brown people.

Oh how awful that migrants won’t get their head start working at McDonalds anymore. I thought these jobs weren’t essential or skilled. Every single anti Union Conservative was saying that for years until just now where AI can replace all the problems with the modern wagie work force.

Once they get rid of the Black people in these places it would be getter better by 100x. There are more important issues in the broken American economy than preventing AI taking over because you’re scared of UBI and welfare increases. HB1 holders are stealing your jobs from you right now. AI firing the wagies isn’t affecting anymore other than the brown low skilled laborers who whine about more money to barley do good at taking orders or preparing food.

Long live AI its gonna get rid of the brown middle men and make the experience better overall at the goyslop places in a time where everything in America sucks.

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