France knows it got humiliated in North Africa after Macron was made to sends the troops home after years of regime change because the rest of NATO wasn’t going to sign on to dying in Niger for no reason. Macrons dreams of being this leftist Napoleon is crumbling and instead of taking the L and focusing on France itself he is going east to keep this larp alive.

He has been toying with sending the French army to the frontlines of Ukraine for months since he is a NATO shill. Well now 1500 French foreign legion troops are going to be sent as support troops for the Ukrainian army.


France has sent its first troops officially to Ukraine. They have been deployed in support of the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade in Slavyansk. The French soldiers are drawn from France’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, which is one of the main elements of France’s Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère).

In 2022 France had a number of Ukrainians and Russians in the Foreign Legion. They were allowed to leave the Legion and, in the case of the Ukrainians, return to Ukraine to join Ukrainian forces. It isn’t clear if the Russians returned home.

The Legion today is run by French officers but the rank and file are all foreigners. Under the curren anonymat (being anonymous) a volunteer who joins the Legion can decide whether to keep his given name or adopt a new one. Legionnaires serve for three year terms, after which they can ask for French citizenship. If a legionnaire is wounded, he is entitled to gain French citizenship without any waiting period. There are no women in the Foreign Legion.

The initial group of French troops numbers around 100. This is just the first tranche of around 1,500 French Foreign Legion soldiers scheduled to arrive in Ukraine.

These troops are being posted directly in a hot combat area and are intended to help the Ukrainians resist Russian advances in Donbas. The first 100 are artillery and surveillance specialists.

Macron is doing this when his own government says that France cannot handle a overseas deployment until 2027 and this is for the deployment of the Foreign legion alone.

France itself does not have many troops to put on Ukraine’s battlelines, should the French government want to do so. According to reports, today France cannot support an overseas deployment of a full division and won’t have this capability until 2027 at the earliest.

The decision to send Foreign Legionnaires is, itself, a peculiar French compromise. France is not deploying its home army and, besides the small number of officers, the men sent are not French citizens.

This whole thing is just a stunt by Macron to launch Europe into WW3 so that some backwater nation can have liberal degeneracy and mass immigration. France isn’t even prepared to fight in any way whatsoever. Now all these black and brown people in the foreign legion are going to do unspeakable horrors to the Ukrainians that can’t leave in the same matter of their black soldiers to the Germans in the Rhine.


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